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Educate Girls and Uplift the Village is a new initiative announced by Nickels for Nepal beginning in 2021. The goal is to increase girls education in remote villages to 90% in the next few years. Currently 48% of young girls and women receive any form of education in Nepal. School supplies for students and teacher resources donated in February to principal of Biddyodaya Basic School Dorpa, Chhitalal Khotang School in eastern mountains in Nepal by Nawaraj Baskota Volunteer Coordinator in Kathmandu, Nepal


Attaria Disabled School Donations school supplies, electronics, TV, and bedding 2023


10 Year Anniversary


Youtube video



Community Support

Ways you can help us


Things you and your students can do:

  • Hold a love offering at your church and donate to Nickels for Nepal

  • Walk a Mile and collect $5.00 donation per mile to support your efforts and the children in Nepal by donating these funds to Nickels For Nepal

  • Shake it up with a Zumba event through at your school in PE class and donate $5.00 per each hour you Zumba

  • Host a Rumble Run 5k race to raise money for Nickels for Nepal

  • Organize a Pancake Breakfast at Applebee's to raise money for Nickels for Nepal

  • Host a Rumble Run 5k race to raise money for Nickels for Nepal

  • Make a memorial donation in honor of a special individual

  • Make a legacy donation to Nickels for Nepal for a percentage of your estate to help us sustain programs for the remote village children in Napal

© 2018-2019 Nickels for Nepal Charity

Find us: 

Chattanooga, TN 37343

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